Search that just works.
For users and budgets.
300+ businesses save time and costs with Helpfeel
Providing great service isn't easy. It's a pain.
The same requests repeat without end.
When your content isn't accessible staff resources are wasted answering the same topics again and again. The time and stress add up fast.
It's hard to train staff.
Service teams with high stress have high turnover. And when onboarding new staff it's hard to improve KPIs reliably, even with thorough training.
Updating self-service software is a nightmare.
Setup and tuning are hard and the impact is often unclear. Even if you try the latest AI chatbots you'll still need to create and update content.
What if more users were very satisfied with self-service?
With Helpfeel, your user's needs can be recognized and matched with the answers they need, even when they search with casual or vague words, full length questions, and spelling mistakees.
With Helpfeel's help page, widget, or search box on your existing site, your users will find more solutions by themselves. And Helpfeel's fast and reliable self-serve experience not only reduces your contact rate, it also surfaces insight directly from the voice of your customers.
How is Helpfeel different?
98% of all searches return focused, accurate results.
Search that doesn't miss
In other tools there might be only one keyword you can search to get the right result. And you still have to dig deep in a long list.
Helpfeel matches almost any words you search — filtering down predictions on every letter typed — and gives focused, accurate results for 98% of searches.
Active optimization
Our customer success team consistently reviews your user's search usage. Each month we hold a meeting with you that covers challenges we've observed, our suggested improvements, and updates that are ready to be implemented.
This data-driven cycle drives continuous improvement in your results.
Full implementation
Our team can set up Helpfeel search to display seamlessly on your existing help center or knowledge base and we can also import your content into our easy-to-use CMS. We style the visual design of the search page, box, or floating widget to match your site or app.
Your time required is hours not days.
How do businesses reach their goals with Helpfeel?
One customer's annual support cost dropped dramatically.
$1.9M → $400K
Contact rates at every stage of the user lifecycle saw a major reduction for one customer.
Increased scope and rate of self-service resolutions
Boosted customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores
Streamlined FTE and BPO staffing
Cost savings that are sustainable at scale
How does it work?
Helpfeel provides full-service implementation in 30 days.
Confirm fit
We listen and understand your company's core challenges then demonstrate how Helpfeel will help you reach your goals.
We send over a proposal that covers every requirement and metric you'll need. We get started when a contract is agreed.
Set up
Our search experts customize the design, intake all your content, and optimize the search index to fit your business and user needs.
Test drive
You try out your Helpfeel instance in private and share feedback. We make any adjustments to ensure a perfectly tailored fit.
Your Helpfeel service goes live. We review data to identify new behaviors, report insights, and update going forward.
Confirm fit
We listen and understand your company's core challenges then demonstrate how Helpfeel will help you reach your goals.
We send over a proposal that covers every requirement and metric you'll need. We get started when a contract is agreed.
Set up
Our search experts customize the design, intake all your content, and optimize the search index to fit your business and user needs.
Test drive
You try out your Helpfeel instance in private and share feedback. We make any adjustments to ensure a perfectly tailored fit.
Your Helpfeel service goes live. We review data to identify new behaviors, report insights, and update going forward.
Frequently Asked Questions
Helpfeel isn't able to do some things AI chatbots can do, but it also does a lot of things they don't.
Like chatbots, Helpfeel also uses generative AI and answers natural language questions inside a widget that can open from any screen in your site or app.
However, Helpfeel doesn't require you to do any fine tuning or costly integrations. And it's much easier to keep up to date as your content and user needs change over time
AI chatbots can answer some very complex and specific questions, but they also have a risk of hallucinating information that is totally wrong.
With Helpfeel's AI and expert technical writers working together you can avoid costly mistakes.
Depending on your business, Helpfeel may be better than using a chatbot or you may benefit from using both together.
We are experts in enterprise search optimization.
Our customer success team works with you as search advisors to help you achieve your KPI targets and goals.
They also identify trends in user behavior as well as challenges or opportunities that may arise in your business.
Based on the analysis of search query and page access data, our team will propose ways to improve search results and help your users solve more challenges by themselves.
We also have an optional upgrade for contact forms that uses AI to analyze what people type and then suggests answers in real time to further reduce your contact rate and save support costs. It can also be used as a concierge service to guide users and make recommendations through your experience by being displayed at different steps in the user journey.
Yes, Helpfeel is also a great aid to internal knowledge accessibility and sharing. When used internally, Helpfeel's unparalleled search reliability and speed plus extensive support can solve a range of challenges.
Customers are using Helpfeel internally today to solve back office and IT needs, and to enable instant access to accurate information for busy customer support and sales teams.